Multi-Cloud Solutions

Splitting The Cloud For Flexible Workload Management

Embracing Digital Freedom with No Vendor Lock-in
The increased reliance on cloud computing comes with risk dependency and vendor lock-in. A multi-cloud strategy allows taking advantage of the differentials in features or prices between providers. Procol strives for your digital freedom by making your system scalable, accessible, and secure by switching to multi-cloud. We help you leverage cloud computing capabilities to store and manage the data in a flexible, efficient, reliable environment and to reach the full potential of your IT landscape. Procal can help you through this necessary journey of digital transformation with an on-demand, pay-as-you-go cloud service, guiding you from planning and development to execution and implementation.
Paradigms of Cloud Computing Delivery
Multi-Cloud Solutions
Software As A Service (SaaS)
We help you streamline your business operations with cloud-based SaaS Solutions. We partner up to optimize the essential area of cloud computing and help you with multiple cloud tenants' access, to a certain application.
Multi-Cloud Solutions
Software As A Service (SaaS)
We help you streamline your business operations with cloud-based SaaS Solutions. We partner up to optimize the essential area of cloud computing and help you with multiple cloud tenants' access, to a certain application.
Multi-Cloud Solutions
Infrastructure As A Service (IaaS)
Modernizing the IT landscape with IaaS as a service is essential to deliver better products and services faster. IaaS online services will help you provide high-level APIs used to dereference various low-level details of underlying network infrastructure like physical computing resources, location, data partitioning, scaling, security, and backup.
Multi-Cloud Solutions
Infrastructure As A Service (IaaS)
Modernizing the IT landscape with IaaS as a service is essential to deliver better products and services faster. IaaS online services will help you provide high-level APIs used to dereference various low-level details of underlying network infrastructure like physical computing resources, location, data partitioning, scaling, security, and backup.
Multi-Cloud Solutions
Platform As A Service (PaaS)
PaaS cloud computing model will allow your developers to build, test, deploy, manage, update, and scale applications faster and more cost-effectively. It’s an application platform-based service category of cloud computing, often involving a dedicated server or a network managed by the provider which will lessen your burden.
Multi-Cloud Solutions
Platform As A Service (PaaS)
PaaS cloud computing model will allow your developers to build, test, deploy, manage, update, and scale applications faster and more cost-effectively. It’s an application platform-based service category of cloud computing, often involving a dedicated server or a network managed by the provider which will lessen your burden.
Multi-Cloud Solutions
Software As A Service (SaaS)
We help you streamline your business operations with cloud-based SaaS Solutions. We partner up to optimize the essential area of cloud computing and help you with multiple cloud tenants' access, to a certain application.
Multi-Cloud Solutions
Infrastructure As A Service (IaaS)
Modernizing the IT landscape with IaaS as a service is essential to deliver better products and services faster. IaaS online services will help you provide high-level APIs used to dereference various low-level details of underlying network infrastructure like physical computing resources, location, data partitioning, scaling, security, and backup.
Multi-Cloud Solutions
Platform As A Service (PaaS)
PaaS cloud computing model will allow your developers to build, test, deploy, manage, update, and scale applications faster and more cost-effectively. It’s an application platform-based service category of cloud computing, often involving a dedicated server or a network managed by the provider which will lessen your burden.

Technologies we use

Multi-Cloud Solutions
Multi-Cloud Solutions
Azure Arc
Multi-Cloud Solutions
Google Cloud Platform
Multi-Cloud Solutions
Oracle Cloud

Alliance and Partners


Stimulate Innovation
Stimulate Innovation through Multi-cloud Solutions offered by Procal
Mitigate risks
Mitigate the Risk of Cyber threats to the maximum
Avoid vendor lock-in
Solutions offered under the Multi-cloud solution by Procal ensure to free the clients from Vendor lock-In in case their data grows
Defy Data gravity
With Procal, Defy Data Gravity using Multi-Cloud Technology