Data and application security

Fortifying Enterprise Assets With Future-Forward Steps

Protecting Every Byte Of Enterprise Data
Today’s cyber threats are more sophisticated, and effects a fast-paced evolution in information security. With data becoming enterprises’ liquid gold, the need for advanced security solutions that will protect every byte and mitigate risks is paramount. At Procal Technologies, we partner with enterprises, consulting, and engineering solutions for their end-to-end cybersecurity needs. We’re a task force of capable teams, 24/7 ready to handle legacy system evaluation, threat detection & mitigation, compliance management, etc.
Enabling Business Continuity & Future Readiness
Data and application security
Security Consulting
Procal’s security consulting ensures that businesses meet all compliance and regulatory requirements, besides cognizance of the latest threats, allowing them to safeguard enterprise systems as well as customers’ critical assets and data.   We audit policies and procedures, identify business risks and challenges associated with operations, and also assess the impact of initiatives such as mergers and acquisitions on information security.
Data and application security
Security Consulting
Procal’s security consulting ensures that businesses meet all compliance and regulatory requirements, besides cognizance of the latest threats, allowing them to safeguard enterprise systems as well as customers’ critical assets and data.   We audit policies and procedures, identify business risks and challenges associated with operations, and also assess the impact of initiatives such as mergers and acquisitions on information security.
Data and application security
End-to-End Security Management
The end-to-end security partner, we have CoEs with experts to assess, design, implement, and manage your security operations, protecting every enterprise asset to build a brand reputation of integrity. We complement our security and threat management by developing and testing of incident response plans, helping in faster data recovery and system upgrades. Our CoEs conduct comprehensive internal and external assessments and technology implementations to make sure that your organization has the best practices when it comes to security.
Data and application security
End-to-End Security Management
The end-to-end security partner, we have CoEs with experts to assess, design, implement, and manage your security operations, protecting every enterprise asset to build a brand reputation of integrity. We complement our security and threat management by developing and testing of incident response plans, helping in faster data recovery and system upgrades. Our CoEs conduct comprehensive internal and external assessments and technology implementations to make sure that your organization has the best practices when it comes to security.
Data and application security
Security Consulting
Procal’s security consulting ensures that businesses meet all compliance and regulatory requirements, besides cognizance of the latest threats, allowing them to safeguard enterprise systems as well as customers’ critical assets and data.   We audit policies and procedures, identify business risks and challenges associated with operations, and also assess the impact of initiatives such as mergers and acquisitions on information security.
Data and application security
End-to-End Security Management
The end-to-end security partner, we have CoEs with experts to assess, design, implement, and manage your security operations, protecting every enterprise asset to build a brand reputation of integrity. We complement our security and threat management by developing and testing of incident response plans, helping in faster data recovery and system upgrades. Our CoEs conduct comprehensive internal and external assessments and technology implementations to make sure that your organization has the best practices when it comes to security.

Technologies we use

Data and application security
Artificial Intelligence & Deep Learning
Data and application security
Behavioral Analytics
Data and application security
Embedded Hardware Authentication

Alliance and Partners


Reduced Risk
Procal's Combined technology use reduces risks to the max
Minimized data loss
Security techniques applied result in minimized data loss.
Use of DevSecOps practices
Integrate the DevSecOps into development seamlessly.