Case study

Columbia Public Schools

DCPS (District of Columbia Public Schools)

Company Name

Public Schools


Washington DC



LTS ( Leadership Tracking System) application would allow one to track the leadership development of the current school leaders and applicants. The main object of this application would be to provide:

  • Easy access to school leader data points
  • Identify program successes
  • Assist with selection/hiring/succession processes
  • Identify trends and patterns

Procal designed, developed, and implemented LTS application, It is 5 years SOW project. Proca’s project services team met the immediate and ongoing needs of DCPS to develop the LTS application enabling DCPS to focus on its greater business objective.

Technologies Used:

Challenges Faced:

DCPS has LDAP system with all the staff data with basic information, the rest of the information like
competencies, state certifications, Principal Performance during induction, eligibility, hiring, and placement. Certification I, Master’s Degree Program, Doctoral Program, APIP, ALPSS and Resident Principal Program, etc., in various other systems. In addition to the above-mentioned information, some other system has data points like employee demographics, school information, job history, certification data, evaluation data and tons of other data points.

Solution proposed:

The proposed LTS application was developed using salesforce (cloud-based solution) that will provide DCPS a more robust, cost effective and flexible application. This application integrated with all other applications to extract and present all necessary date points which would enable the end user to easily make informed decisions. This Application developed in 4 phases:

Phase 1 – Requirement Analysis

The Requirements Analysis Phase begins as the first phase of this project. The purpose of the Requirements Analysis Phase is to transform DCPS’ needs and high-level requirements into unambiguous (measurable and testable), traceable, complete, consistent, and stakeholder-approved requirements. During the Requirements Analysis Phase, we will also conduct any procurement needed for the project.

The objective of this phase is to define in more detail the system inputs, processes, outputs and interfaces. At the end of this phase the system’s processes will be defined at the functional level, meaning the functions to be performed will be known, but not necessarily how they will be performed. Unless specifically constrained by the Project Charter, Requirements Analysis should not consider the computer programs, files and data streams.
Requirements Analysis will identify and consider the risks related to how the technology will be integrated into the standard operating procedures. Requirements Analysis will collect the functional and system requirements of the business process, the user requirements and the operational requirements (e.g., when operational what is necessary to keep the system up and running).

Phase 2 – Foundational Development

Phase 2 entails the development of the basic application structure with profile pages. During this phase we would focus on building the foundational framework of the application including the profile pages for the employees. The scope of this phase also includes the place holders for the required data elements from the leader applications including experience, job history and programs in order for the end users to access real time data about the employees.

Phase 3 – Integration

The scope of Phase 3 would be to focus on the integration activities with Salesforce and Quickbase. The team would proactively work with internal Salesforce developers and the Salesforce contacts to identify the requirements, pricing, dependencies, risks, constraints and assumptions as a part of Phase 1. The data collected during the requirement phase will be used as key input during phase 3.

Phase 4 – Development of Dashboard & Metrics

The team would develop the Dashboards for superintendents, and principals with vacancy match tools with health meters including setting. The functionalities built will allow the end-users to identify the best candidates for vacant principal and assistant principal positions. It would also allow the hiring manager to view all candidates in order to find the best match.
The team will also develop the metrics around applicants from a diverse pool that would meet multiple vacancy needs including all leadership roles, such as team leads, deans, etc. to ensure pipeline depth.

Results Achieved:

School Teachers and apply for positions across the school districts and Superintendents in the district could review the profiles and interests and move them around easily. They consider teachers’ individual experience, performance, number of services to make decisions during the selections